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Google Maps

Many of us use Google Maps to find the quickest route to get from one place to another, for directions, or to find a restaurant. However, Google Maps is also a great way to enhance instruction in the classroom.

Custom Maps

There are lots of ways students can interact with maps across multiple content areas. You can easily share the map so students can work collaboratively to add locations, embed the map on a website for home/parent access, or add multiple layers to a single map. Students can add locations, information, and photographs to demonstrate learning.

You will go to the My Maps app to create you own map that fits your content. Once you have created a map, you can view it in Google Maps. This will allow you to experience a location by viewing the street view or photographs.

Click here to check out some incredible street view locations.

Classroom Ideas

-Plot Important Historical Locations

-Create a Literature Journey Showing Locations In A Story

-Map Classrooms You Have Connected With

-Mark Locations With Different Climates

-Identify and Mark Animal Habitats

-Create a Map Showing Where Students Are Going to College

-Follow Expeditions

-Create a Local Map Resource

For more detailed directions on how to access Google Maps click here.

This is a geography trivia game that your students will love. They get a clue and they have to put the pin down at the correct location. They get 1000 miles to start with and miles are subtracted depending on how far off you are. You can select the category to narrow down the types of clues.

This a great way to use maps with students who love to build. Students are assigned a plot of land and they can use Legos to build different structures. If they are logged in to a Chrome account they can add their build to the map. Students can use this without being logged in, but their builds won't save. Building only works on a desktop or laptop.

I would love to hear about ways you and your students are using Google Maps!

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